Monday, April 19, 2010

Whats next?

So what’s next for me? I am taking summer term off to recoup. I need some time to clear my head and have some fun. I feel like so much of my time is devoted to work and school right now. I just get burnt-out. Life goes by so fast and my concept of time has changed a lot from when I was little. Days keep getting shorter and I have more and more to do. This summer I really want to have fun. A few things I would like to do this summer are camping, hiking, backpacking, maybe a road trip, paint-balling and more. Well it’s been an exciting term albeit a stressful one, but I wish everyone the best.
This is David Lyons signing off……

Monday, April 12, 2010

What I learned and liked

What I found most interesting from Tom Sumner’s lecture was the process a book has to go though to get published. I really didn’t know how many levels of editing were required and the process behind it. I also didn’t know about self-publishing through Amazon and other sites. Who knows one day I might want to publish a book and now I know that I have options. I also learned a great deal about the business in general. Tom talked about designing, proofreading, working with writers, working with editors, and a plethora of other tasks that all relate to publishing. Overall Tom’s lecture made me respect the business and educated me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How much is too much?

I don’t watch much television anymore and it’s not because there isn’t anything on, it’s because I am bombarded with advertisements. Even during the show someone is trying to sell me Ziploc bags and it makes me sick. If I wanted to watch infomercials I would watch infomercials. How far are they willing to go? In a few years will they be advertising to us in our dreams? Only time will tell. I believe the only way to fight back is to stand up and turn off the television. We need to educate ourselves and ask the question how much is too much.